There is only one way to do it,
and that is to do it.
You can't sit around and wait for inspiration.
You have to go after it with a club.
-- Jack London
So many worries; will the pressure hold; will I forget some item on the checklist (more likely; what item will I forget, and what will be the consequence?); will the demand regulator work? Will the breathing exhaust port clog with ice? What if I have to bail out--how do I cut free of the main liquid oxygen supply and quickly switch to my bail-out bottle, without losing suit pressure, consciousness, and, a little more than incidentally, life?!?
Below, aviation pioneer Wiley Post clambers into his Winnie Mae, clad in his own built-from-scratch pressure suit. Building a strange flying machine of my own, pictures of Post give me the courage to carry out Jack London's decree; you just have to get down to it and do it.

Below, fit-testing my pressure helmet.

A little more tinkering, then off to Ecuador on Saturday for two weeks of underwater exploration.
Below, a message;
The moon bobs in the running river.
Drifting, drifting,
What do I resemble?
-- Tu Fu
I have always loved that Jack London quote. I'm also a fan of the quote, "There is nothing in contradiction to nature, only to what we know of it."
-D. Scully-
lone gull between earth and sky
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