Above, Ripley Davenport in Mongolia, hauling 'Molly Brown', his 200kg sledge-on-wheels. In addition to walking across Mongolia--for all the reasons one does such a thing, many of which share the 'rationale' for other 'irrational' acts such as painting a picture--Ripley is raising money for a number of charities. One builds libraries for schoolchildren in Mongolia. A wealthy sponsor has just dedicated $1,000 for every 100 miles Ripley walks from here on out. I imagine $3000 will go a long way in Mongolia, and I imagine that is tremendous motivation!
Below, a recent update from the field:
The Gobi is truly spectacular. Just lately, she’s been displaying her true colours and being quite gentle with her lone walking guest.
In the evenings, I sit and watch the sunset and watch the desert change colours. Sometimes a gentle breeze caresses the whiskers on my rather disgusting beard and the air smells really potent with life.
Of course, sometimes it’s blowing a double six and rattles the tent walls like a thousand zombies on acid.
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