Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cooperation with Copenhagen Suborbitals

I'm thrilled to be building the pressure suits for the Copenhagen Suborbitals project, putting a person into space with a DIY approach, for peaceful and nonprofit purposes; forget satisfying taxpayer and political demands, forget dependence on the military machine -- it's an Orville- and Wilbur- sort of project, though with a budget significant enough to make it reasonable, and a good track record among that group to suggest a good chance of success. In the video above, Kristian von Bengtson reviews new work on the capsule, introducing my pressure suit part of the project around 9:30; also in the video clip is Nicholas Walleri, a valuable part of the team here, now! He's on the checklists and monitors everything as I do a pressurization in the Kazbek seat mockup suitable for simulating the capsule seating position.

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